Dog / Chihuahua - Answered 1435 days ago
This morning my pet vomited a yellow bubbly liquid at around four o'clock. She recently has been having bad breath and frequently licks her crotch. Do you think these have anything to do with each other? Do they suggest some sort of illness? She vomited a month ago as well, but it hasn't happened since then. She's very energetic and eats all her food.
Jessica Davis
United States
Chihuahua, 3 months old female

Well ,When dogs vomit yellow liquid, it may simply be that the stomach is empty. Gastric acids irritate the stomach lining, causing the dog to vomit Bile is a fluid produced in the liver and stored in the gallbladder. The bile enters the duodenum (located just past the stomach) to further assist with digestion. Also, vomiting could cause bad breath due to dry mouth. Saliva cleans your mouth and reduces odor, but in cases of dehydration, you won't produce enough saliva in extreme scenarios. Vomiting as a result of a bowel obstruction can cause your breath to smell like feces.