Cat / Japanese Bobtail - Answered 1407 days ago
My cat goes out pretty often and it worries me when she doesn't come back until it's late, so I'm thinking of making her wear a tiny GPS on her collar. Do you think it's safe for animals to wear that kind of technology? I looked them up on the internet and only found ones made in foreign countries. If there are any products you recommend, please let me know. Also, could you tell me the difference between GPS devices and microchips? Which one should I get?
Mariana García
Japanese Bobtail, 6 years old spayed female
5 Answers

The microchip for dogs is a radio-frequency identification (RFID) implant¹. As this name suggests, the chip is used for identification purposes only. It’s composed of a tiny, electronic chip, each of which carries a unique identification number. Enclosed in a glass cylinder, about 11-14 mm long and 2-2.3 mm thick, the chip is about the size of a grain of rice. Microchips weigh roughly 0.025 grams. Microchips are not big enough to contain hardware for GPS or another localization technology at this time. Microchips only work in cases where a dog who has been micro-chipped is lost and then found and brought into a vet. Vets can identify the owner of the dog by using a scanner which reads the microchip ID. The chip ID is linked to the owner’s contact information and registered in a microchip database. The advantage of the microchip is that it provides a permanent and safe solution for identifying your dog. Unfortunately, microchips are extremely limited in their use. The only possible way to make use of a microchip is for someone to find your dog, bring him to a vet and read the chip. While you are on the search for your missing dog, a microchip for dogs is of no help. In this way, microchips are of little use in retrieving your lost dog. Therefore, depending on a microchip to reunite you with your lost dog is not optimal when you need to act fast to find your beloved furry friend. Luckily, GPS dog trackers provide the solution to safely track and retrieve your lost dog in real-time.
Answered 1420 days ago icon
