Cat / Scottish Fold - Answered 1365 days ago
My cat has had an enlarged heart since birth. Two months ago he started burping after eating or drinking. He has plenty of appetite, loves to eat snacks, and is able to defecate normally. His current medications are Coenzyme Q10, Nitorole (Isosorbide Dinitrate), Persantin, and Taurine all prescribed from our home doctor for his heart disease. I've read an article saying that cats don't usually burp, so I'm a little concerned. I chose to come here considering a trip to the vet may be risky for the heart due to the unstable temperature. Please give me some advice.
Jennifer Richards
Scottish Fold, 7 years old castrated male

Dear Jennifer Yes you need to concern. I will suggest you for ultrasound to diagnosise heart enlargement size . I will suggest some test like liver function tests as well kidney function test. One more thing please also do ultrasound of liver. My treatment will be focus on liver. There must be liver congestion in my guess. So go for some tests as I advised.