Dog / Labrador Retrievers - Answered 1333 days ago
My dog has been spayed but she comes into her heat every 6 to 8 months she's approximately 3 years now.Is it normal?
Labrador Retrievers, spayed female

After spaying, your dog’s reproductive cycle should cease and she should not exhibit any more estrus signs. Sometimes, however, over the course of the operation, part of the ovarian tissue is overlooked and left behind. This part may continue to release hormones which activate fertility and your dog may appear to be in heat even though she is no longer able to get pregnant. This is called ovarian remnant syndrome (ORS). This condition is usually reversible with surgery. The longer the tissue is left, the higher the risk of complications. Exploratory laparotomy can be performed for removal of part of ovary. The main risk with untreated ORS is the increased chance of cancer development and this isn’t greatly affected by medication.