My Dog Is Vomiting Blood. It's Been 3Days Till Now He Have Vomited 3 4 Times. I Guess He Have Eaten A Frog, Us It Harmful For Dog To Eat A Frog. But I Guess Ge Have Eaten But I Haven't Seen Him Eating Maybe There Is Another Reason Behind It.
Hii Kiran.
Well see, Hematemesis, or the vomiting of blood in dogs, can be the result of a number of causes. There may be a disruption in the lining of the esophagus, or an irritation of the stomach or intestines, which can lead to inflammation, bleeding, and eventually, the expulsion of blood through vomiting. Alternatively, the blood may originate from an inflammation or injury in the mouth or lungs (respiratory system), after which it is swallowed and then thrown up (regurgitated).
Hematemesis is relatively common in dogs, and can affect a wide range of systems depending on the source. The gastrointestinal system may be affected due to trauma, ulcer, cancer, inflammation or the presence of a foreign object. All of these may lead to a dog vomiting blood.
Treatment varies greatly depending on the cause of hematemesis. Any underlying cause must be treated upon diagnosis. After the cause is identified and addressed, if vomiting is no longer excessive, recovery may continue at home.
For severe internal bleeding, ulcer perforation or excessive vomiting, inpatient care may require emergency treatment for hemorrhage or shock, or there may be the need for blood transfusions or IV treatment to replace fluids lost from excessive vomiting.
Your veterinarian will send home several types of oral prescription pet medications for your dog to continue at home. These may include dog medications to reduce nausea, heal stomach ulcers, reduce stomach acid and improve appetite.
Living and Management
A delicate diet of highly digestible foods is recommended after incidents of hematemesis. Dog food should be low in dietary fat and low in fiber so that the digestive system is not stressed. Your veterinarian will recommend what is best for your specific pet, but boiled chicken and white rice is a common home-cooked option while your dog heals.
Further care is dependent upon the cause and consequent treatment given for hematemesis.
Hematemesis due to the ingestion of toxic substances can be avoided by ensuring that animals do not have access to poisonous plants, foods and chemicals. Vomiting of blood in dogs can become a very serious health concern very quickly—call your veterinarian immediately.