Cat / Mix - Answered 1333 days ago
I have an 8-month-old female kitten; I had her neutered a month ago. She still can't get out of the habit of biting things. I've been using this lotion that's said to help with the biting, but it hasn't been working at all - I'm covered in wounds everyday. Is there a way to stop the biting?
Joanne Makey
United States
Mix, 8 months old spayed female

Hi Joanne. I know it must be so stressing. Some cats bite as a form of communication or a demand for attention. Instead of meowing, they bite. If a cat nips you and then tries to lead you to an activity, such as playing with a toy, this could be the reason. I advice to do Train replacement behavior. For example, if your cat becomes over excited and attacks your feet when you walk into a room, teach him to sit and reward him for it. Then, when you come into a room, he will want to sit to get a reward. You can clicker train by pairing a reward like food with a click from a clicker or bell. Eventually your cat will learn to associate the click with the reward and food treats will no longer be necessary. Avoid physical punishment, which only makes cats more aroused and more likely to fight back and protect themselves or engage in rough play.