Cat / Scottish Fold - Answered 1333 days ago
My cat won't drink milk or water since getting neutered, so I've been giving her soup. I do leave new water out everyday as well. I have the soup bowl in about three different places. Do you have any advice for me?
Jules Ware
United Kingdom
Scottish Fold, 10 months old female

Well see this is not normal. Your cat may not be eating for medical reasons. Take the cat back to the Vet for an exam. If, after the exam, the Vet assures you that nothing is wrong, try this: Cats are sensitive creatures and pick up on the feelings of others very well. If you are nervous or guilty about having the surgery done, it can make the cat feel nervous. Put the cat’s food away from you. DO NOT sit near or pet the cat while the cat is eating. Feed the cat in a dark and quiet place, like a closet, but do not lock the cat in. Leave cat food out all the time, along with fresh, cool water. Unlike dogs, cats like to nibble through the day. There is no harm in feeding a cat this way. Do not change your cat’s food in an attempt to get the cat to eat. This can result in vomiting and other tummy upsets. A surgery can be very upsetting for a cat, but depending on their age at the time of the surgery, they should return to their normal habits in about a week. If, not, call the Vet.