Cat / Scottish Fold - Answered 1333 days ago
My cat won't drink milk or water since getting neutered, so I've been giving her soup. I do leave new water out everyday as well. I have the soup bowl in about three different places. Do you have any advice for me?
Jules Ware
United Kingdom
Scottish Fold, 10 months old female

It's pretty much normal for an animal not to eat or feel annorectic post surgery as the procedure in itself is painful and stressful for the animal ,so effort should be made to give the animal bland diet post surgery which is light in nature and easy to digest as feeding normal diet or any kibbles or readymade gravies can make an animal feel nauseated and make it more unlikely to have it's normal food and diet .try and make animal feel comfortable ,cozy and protected and I hope it can work.slowly and gradually you can switch over to normal diet as the healing progresses and the animal gets back to it's normal self