Dog / Mix - Answered 1228 days ago
Hi. So I noticed my dog keeps on scratching his ear. Both ears but mostly on his left ear. Is this ear mites? I have ear wash/drops that I bought on a local store. I wanna try this first before sending him to the vet. Any other tips that you can share to me? Thanks. Also. My dog has not been groomed yet cos he just got his shots last July 2 and the vet advised to refrain from bathing for 7 days. Thanks.
Irish Enriquez
Mix, 1 year old male

If it's on the tips of ears and pinnae you see redness ,pruritus ,crusts then it's most likely mites and you can use orally sarolaner or bravecto tablet to control them ,but if the base of ear looks swollen and red , it is most likely problem of excessive wax or otitis of middle or external ear canal which needs thorough knowledge rinsing and cleaning with cleansing solution for ears and a course of antibiotics alongwith to cure the problem