Dog / Mix - Answered 1168 days ago
Hi. I was just wondering. I noticed that my dog is coughing. Like something's stuck on his throat. But he I only caught him doing this a few times. He did it again when I picked him up. But he is still eating well. Lively. He does sneeze before but this is the only time I heard him cough. He is vaccinated and dewormed and treated for ectoparasites. He also takes his vitamins. He always stays at home and rarely go outside our house. So i dont really know whats wrong. What could it be tho? Please help. Shpuld I bring him already to a vet or is this normal? Thanks.
Irish Enriquez
Mix, 1 year old male

It could just be a mild cough,and if something has gotten stuck in your dog's throat,it'll leave, you could just give some water to her. So,I guess all is needed here for now is time.. Watch your pet for a while to know what exactly is wrong. Visiting a vet isn't a bad idea anyways..