Dog / Mix - Answered 1443 days ago
I've never seen it myself, but my family tells me that our dog has been having convulsions several times. We had a CT scan taken at a vet but didn't find any problems. They prescribed us a rectal medicine for when the convulsions occur. What do you think could be the cause? Also, the convulsions never happen when I'm around, but do you think there are any reasons behind this?
Charlotte Brown
New Zealand
Mix, 2 years old spayed female

Hi Charlotte, Convulsions can be classified as intra cranial or extra cranial (meaning - problem inside de brain or outside the brain respectively). Normally we start oral medication when dogs have more than one episode in 3 months or so. If blood work and CT scan ruled out all of the diseases, it is most probably idiophatic (just a a beautiful name for "I don't know the cause"). What is important to do is write down whenever the convulsion happens (like a log) and how long does it take and also all the symptoms you or somebody else sees. This is a very important information for your vet so he can treat accordingly.