Cat / Scottish Fold - Answered 1362 days ago
My cat has had an enlarged heart since birth. Two months ago he started burping after eating or drinking. He has plenty of appetite, loves to eat snacks, and is able to defecate normally. His current medications are Coenzyme Q10, Nitorole (Isosorbide Dinitrate), Persantin, and Taurine all prescribed from our home doctor for his heart disease. I've read an article saying that cats don't usually burp, so I'm a little concerned. I chose to come here considering a trip to the vet may be risky for the heart due to the unstable temperature. Please give me some advice.
Jennifer Richards
Scottish Fold, 7 years old castrated male

Hello Jennifer. Hope your Jun is doing good and actively playful. See, cats can swallow air into the stomach during play, sleeping, purring, eating or drinking water. Gas is released from the stomach and sometimes travels up instead of down. This release travels up the esophagus and out in the form of a burp. Some are barely noticeable while others may have you running in the opposite direction! Here I can tell you something After each feeding hold the kitten upright with its tummy against your shoulder and pat it gently until it burps, releasing trapped air. Nursing bottles that do not release enough milk lead to more air being trapped as the kitten nurses.