Cat / Puspin - Answered 1337 days ago
My cat is acting the same as usual. He is eating, sleeping, drinking water, and urinating like he usually do. However, it's been almost 2 weeks since we started to notice a little bit of blood from his urine. We suspected that this is a case of UTI so we change his diet to cat food (urinary) and even bought him cranberry juice. He's still acting like his usual self, but I noticed that he's been urinating frequently with short time intervals and there's still blood on his pee. I'm worried that this is not just a simple case of UTI. There's no near veterinary clinics here, and I'm wondering what should I do to help him? Please help. Thank you.
Puspin, 3 years old castrated male
9 Answers

Causes of Blood in the Urine in Dogs 1. Bladder or Kidney Infection - Blood in your dog’s urine may be caused by a bladder infection or kidney infection, or infection of the prostate or urethra. 2. Tumors - Cancerous and non-cancerous tumors may cause blood in the urine of dogs. 3. Stones - Hematuria may be caused by kidney or bladder stones, as the presence of stones strains these organs. 4. Poisoning - Blood in your dog’s urine may be a sign that he has ingested a toxic substance such as a rodenticide.The core symptom will usually be accompanied by other symptoms such as lethargy, coughing, exercise intolerance, swollen abdomen, and difficulty breathing. 4. Urinary Tract Infection - A key symptom of urinary tract infection (UTI) is blood in the urine. This will usually be accompanied by some of the following symptoms: trouble emptying bladder, loss of bladder control, pain while urinating, a strong odor to the urine and constant licking of the urinary opening. 6. Injury - Physical trauma can be the cause of blood appearing in your dog’s urine. If your dog has experienced a recent injury, be sure to report it to the veterinarian. 7. Prostate - Blood in your male dog’s urine may be caused by a prostatic disease. There are seven prostatic diseases: benign prostatic hyperplasia, squamous metaplasia, cystic hyperplasia, paraprostatic cysts, bacterial infection, prostatic abscess, and prostatic cancer. If your dog has a prostatic disease, he will likely exhibit one or more of the additional symptoms of labored urination, decreased urine stream and difficulty passing bowel movements. 8. Estrus - Female dogs in heat do bleed. While the blood is not in the urine since it is coming from the same area, dog owners can sometimes confuse estrus blood with blood in the urine. Check for other signs that your dog is in heat, like that she has not been spayed, her vulva is swollen, and drops of blood are left behind when she sits down. Treatment : Treatment will be varied and designed to address the underlying cause of the blood in your dog’s urine once your dog has been stabilized. Stabilization may require intravenous fluids to treat dehydration and/or a blood transfusion if your dog’s red blood cell count is dangerously low. 1. Infections Antibiotics are the treatment of choice for bladder, kidney, urinary tract, and other infections. 2. Stones Bladder and kidney stones may be treated through diet low in protein, phosphorous and magnesium and designed to promote acidic urine as well as encourage increased water intake, or in more severe cases, removal of the stones through nonsurgical or surgical means. 3. Tumors The treatment of tumors will depend on the site and diagnosis. 4. Poisoning Treatment for poisoning will depend upon the substance ingested. If your dog has ingested rodenticide and is experiencing vitamin D poisoning, she will need to remain on an IV until her electrolyte, calcium, and phosphorous levels have stabilized. Your dog may be given a phosphate binder such as aluminum hydroxide in order to allow her to excrete the excess phosphorous in her system more quickly. 5. Injury If the blood in your dog’s urine is the result of trauma, the treatment will depend upon the extent and location of the internal damage that is found during diagnosis. 6. Prostate Treatment of prostatic disease will depend upon the diagnosis, as there are several possible diseases. For primary or secondary bacterial infections, your dog will be prescribed aggressive antibiotic therapy that may be much longer than a typical antibiotic regimen. Benign prostatic hyperplasia, cystic metaplasia, testicular tumors and cystic hyperplasia generally occur only in dogs that have not been neutered, and neutering is often the only treatment necessary. Paraprostatic cysts and prostatic abscesses must be surgically removed and drained.
Answered 1337 days ago icon

Hi Patrecia, well you have a genuine concern I can see, let me put it in this way. Blood in your cat’s urine is never normal and always needs to be assessed as soon as possible. If your cat is urinating normally, you do not need to rush into an emergency clinic. However, cats that are not passing urine, straining to pee, peeing only small amounts of urine or yeowling in the litterbox need to be seen by a veterinarian immediately. Here are the top five reasons for a cat to be urinating blood: WHAT CAUSES BLOOD IN A CAT’S URINE? The most common reason for cats to have blood in their urine is a condition known as feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD). Other names for this syndrome are feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC) and feline urologic syndrome (FUS). The exact reason cats are affected by FLUTD is not fully understood. Current thoughts are that stress and obesity can play a role in the expression of the disease. Deficiencies in the “glue” of the bladder wall, viruses and other biological elements are other theories. Older thoughts were the ash content of food or the pH of the urine caused this illness. Bladder stones will also cause blood in cat urine. You may also see the other signs such as straining and yeowling when peeing. Urinary tract infections, which are uncommon in young, healthy cats. In older cats, urinary tract infections become more common especially in females because of their anatomy. Cancer of the bladder, which is also uncommon. Cats with this disease can show a variety of symptoms including blood in their urine. In very young cats, anatomical abnormalities of their urinary tract can sometimes lead to blood in their urine. WHAT TO DO IF YOUR CAT HAS BLOOD IN THEIR URINE? Call your veterinarian and make an appointment. This is not something that should be handled with home remedies. If your cat cannot urinate it can cause renal failure and death within days. Your veterinarian may want to take run a number of tests to screen for a number of cat illnesses. These can include blood and urine samples, urine cultures, viral testing for the common cat viruses feline leukemia and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), or perform exams on your cat including taking x-rays or an abdominal ultrasound. Use the veterinary diet your veterinarian has advised you to use if your cat has FLUTD. People have a tendency to stop the recommended diet once their cat is feeling better, but studies have shown veterinary diets reduce relapses by over 80%. The most common cause of a relapse is changing a food to another diet. Regular pet store “urinary tract” diets are not appropriate for these cats. Increasing water intake in the form of canned food (see why in our recent blog post about the best wet cat food), using water fountains, adding a couple of drops of tuna juice to the water, using filtered water, or using large, clear water bowls, are some of the ways to increase your cats water consumption. If your cat has blood in his urine, call your veterinarian and make an appointment. The sooner you do, the sooner he will be feeling better. With best regards
Answered 1340 days ago icon

If you have ever seen your cat peeing blood, you know just how alarming it can be. While it isn't something one ever hopes to witness, blood in cat urine is actually quite common. Hematuria, the scientific name for having blood in the urine, can be caused by abnormalities in the urinary tract or even disease processes elsewhere in the body that can affect the urinary tract or kidneys. Blood in Cat Urine: Signs to Look For While hematuria may be as obvious as blood or blood clots in the urine, it may not always be so visible. Most instances of hematuria are actually diagnosed at the microscopic level on what appears to be normal-colored urine; in these cases, there's only a small amount of blood. Hematuria may cause urine to turn pink or red. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, some of the other signs you may see along with a change in the urine's color include: Increased drinking Increased urination Straining to urinate Vocalizing when in the litter box Going in and out of the litter box repeatedly Urinary accidents outside of the litter box Inability to urinate altogether (a medical emergency) Bruising on the skin in the form of obvious bruises or small dots Bleeding from abnormal locations, such as the nose, gums, eyes, ears or rectum, and bloody vomit or feces Causes of Blood in Urine If reading these signs has sent you into a panic, take a deep breath. Some of these signs are not typically associated with blood in cat urine and are seen only with rare diseases. Most cases of hematuria in cats are the result of urinary illness and your veterinarian is the best person to help identify what and where exactly that source of illness is. Cat Peeing Blood: Treatment As with many diseases, treatment for blood in the urine varies depending on the exact cause. For example, kidney or bladder stones may sound like a complete diagnosis, but your vet needs to know what type of stones they're dealing with. Certain stones can be treated noninvasively with a therapeutic food that is capable of dissolving stones entirely. Some stone compositions are resistant to dissolution and will require surgery. Knowing as much as possible about the illness is critical to solving the problem. Preventing Common Urinary Problems in Cats You may have heard of a cat parent who struggled with their cat urinating inappropriately or perhaps you're a bit more acquainted with this yourself than you would like. Sometimes called feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD), this refers to a spectrum of different diseases that result in inappropriate urination from our feline roommates, explained the Cornell Feline Health Center. No one fully understands why these conditions develop or how to always successfully treat them. Here are two broad categories you can experiment with to prevent your cat from developing feline lower urinary tract signs (LUTS). Environment and stimulation: While you may think your house cat lives a cushy life, cats with lower urinary tract signs may disagree. Cats with FLUTD are prone to stress and are a bit higher maintenance than most cats. Giving the cat choices in terms of where to play, rest, eat and urinate can help to minimize stress. For example, each cat should have access to a private rest area, scratching posts and toys. Cats prone to stress often enjoy high perches to keep watch of their surroundings. Ideally provide one litter box for each cat, plus one extra. Cleaning the litter box daily is important for many cats with LUTS (and all cats, for that matter) because they may not want to use a dirty litter box, and therefore may find a cleaner (less optimal) place to do their business. Proper nutrition and hydration: The most important ways to help prevent lower urinary tract signs are proper nutrition and adequate water intake. Feeding wet foods is the number one way to improve overall water intake. Circulating water fountains may also be an option to encourage cats to drink more water to increase their water intake. The goal is to keep your cat well-hydrated so the urine is less concentrated and less prone to form crystals, which are the building blocks of stones. Ensuring your cat eats a well-balanced food that's tested for its varying life stage (not simply "all" life stages) is very important. Some foods may have high levels of minerals that may contribute to the development of crystals and stones, which may contribute to lower urinary tract disease. While cats with LUTS are common, if you ever notice a cat peeing blood, never make assumptions. Always seek veterinary care first to rule out treatable diseases, and remember that the inability to urinate is a life-threatening medical emergency.
Answered 1340 days ago icon
