Cat / Japanese Bobtail - Answered 1295 days ago
My cat goes outside and sometimes comes back with ticks. It's easy to remove 1mm size ticks, but bigger ones around 3mm bite onto the skin firmly and won't come off. Is there a good way to pry them off? I've tried skin drops on the neck, drugs you use on blankets and the body, and a collar - he tore it off in a few hours while he was outside. Please give me advice.
Japanese Bobtail, 11 months old male

Ticks should be removed as soon as possible to minimize disease and damage. To do this, use tweezers to carefully grasp the tick close to the skin and pull gently. Never try to remove a tick with your bare hands, as some tick-borne diseases (for example, Rocky Mountain spotted fever) can be immediately transmitted through breaks in your skin or contact with mucous membranes. The use of hot matches should also be avoided. Infested dogs should also be treated with anti‑tick insecticides that kill attached larvae, nymphs, and adults. These can be given by spot-on solutions (which are applied on the back and spread rapidly over the entire body surface), sprays, and dusts. Care needs to be taken in selecting the correct anti-tick product. Contact your veterinarian for a recommendation for the best tick control product for your pet. Some of the products that are given monthly for flea control also effectively control ticks.