Our pet had her ear cleaned at the vet a week ago. After we came back from the vet she was shaking her head and kept her ears flat for a while, and has lost her appetite since that day. There's a lot of liquid coming out of the ear, and the hair around it is all wet. Should I take her to the vet again?
The most common disorder of the ear canal in dogs is called otitis externa. This condition occurs when the layer of cells that line the external ear canal becomes inflamed. Signs include headshaking, odor, redness of the skin, swelling, scratching, increased discharge, and scaly skin. The ear canal may be painful or itchy depending on the cause or duration of the condition. One or both ears can be affected, and signs can be sudden or longterm. Otitis externa can be caused by many different factors. Some of these factors (such as parasites, foreign objects, and allergies) appear to directly cause the inflammation, while others (such as certain bacteria, yeasts, or a middle ear infection) perpetuate the condition. To complicate things further, the shape or form of the pinnae or ear canals can predispose dogs to developing otitis externa. Identifying these factors is key to successful control of the inflammation. Unless all the causes are identified and treated, the condition may return. Based on these factors, your veterinarian can determine whether the condition can be cured or if longterm or lifelong treatments are necessary.
To treat these conditions, your veterinarian will need to identify and correct any underlying causes. Any pain should also be managed. Usually, the area around the ear is clipped of fur to improve the cleaning and treatment of the ears. Your veterinarian may also recommend removal of the hair in the ear canals, a painful procedure usually done under anesthesia.
Because topical medications can be inactivated by discharge from the ears or excessive earwax, your veterinarian will probably clean the ears gently and then dry them before treatment is started. In animals with painful ears, proper cleaning requires general anesthesia. Follow your veterinarian's advice on cleaning ears at home. Many will recommend that you wait to start home ear cleanings until after a recheck appointment, usually in 5–7 days.
When properly applied, the ideal medication will coat the layer of cells lining the external ear canal as a thin film. Medication given by mouth or injection will probably be included in the treatment regimen in most cases of longterm inflammation of the ear canal and in any case in which inflammation of the middle ear is suspected.
Most topical ear medications contain a combination of antibiotics, antifungal drugs, and glucocorticoids. Your veterinarian will prescribe one that is suitable.
Irritating medications (eg, home remedies and vinegar dilutions) should be avoided. They cause swelling of the lining of the ear canal and an increase in glandular secretions, which predispose to bacterial or yeast infections. Substances that are usually not irritating in normal ear canals may cause irritation in an ear that is already inflamed. This is particularly true of propylene glycol. Powders, such as those used after plucking hair from the canal, can form irritating concretions within the ear canal and should not be used.
When severe bacterial infection of the external ear canal is the cause of inflammation, antibacterial drugs in combination with corticosteroids may be used to reduce discharges, pain, and swelling, and to decrease glandular secretions. Dogs that have recurring bacterial inflammation of the external ear and a history of infection with ear mites should be treated with a topical product that contains antibacterial and antiparasitic drugs to ensure that any parasitic infections are eliminated.
The treatment should continue until the infection is completely gone. For dogs with bacterial and yeast infections, you should expect weekly or bi-weekly physical examinations and tests until there is no evidence of infection. For most cases, this takes 2 to 4 weeks. Longterm cases may take months to resolve, and in some instances, treatment must be continued indefinitely. Follow your veterinarian’s recommended treatment program carefully and fully for the best result for your pet.