Cat / local Philippine cat - Answered 1257 days ago
My cat started vomitting 4 days ago and his bowel is also soft. He has lost his voice due to vomitting but he would still eat continously. I stopped giving him food but gave him water with dextrose powder instead. He started feeling better, he would only poop once but still vomits what he intake. I realized he got some terrible colds and I think he might have sore throat since he lost his voice. Now, I gave him erceflora orally, lots of water with dextrose powder and cold syrup. He is still vomitting when he eats but he was still eating a lot than before. Is it really colds or should I be alarm and need to turn him over to the vet? What are the other home remedies that I can do. Since,it's pandemic, we are only allowed to go out following the curfew.
Joy Giban
local Philippine cat, 1 year old male

Hello Joy Giban I'd like to suggest you to visit vet as soon as possible after carfew since it needs to diagnose properly but for the time being you can go with some over the counter drugs and home remedies 1.Omeprazole/pentoprazole 2. Oral Electrolyte /fluid administration- glucose or human Ors also can serve the purpose 3. Ondansetron 4. Probiotics As your dog is lost voice you can give little warm water for drinking purpose Change diet to liquid or semi solid diet 5. Lastly check for worm load in feces. If you feel your Pet's stomach is growling or making some sound then apperantly you can say that your pet is having enteric worm infestation. In that case you can go for deworming with Fenbendazole @ 30 mg/ kg per orally for 3 days -once in a day.