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- Answered 1374 days ago
Ever since he got neutered, my cat tries to mate with a cat plushie and has been meowing a lot. Is this due to changes in his hormone levels? Do you think they'll go away if we adopt another cat?
Abubakar Salah
8 months old
castrated male
8 Answers
Hello, There might be a need for a redo of the surgery,as the reproductive hormones in the system of the cat might still be remaining,so they might have to be removed. Nothing to fret about though,just visit your vet. This is one of the negative side of neutering.
Answered 1374 days ago
Hi, Should you see sexual behavior in your cat after a spay or neuter surgery. The short answer is no, probably not. However, there are some exceptions to this. Sexual activity in sterilized cats could be related to a health issue. Some neutered or spayed cats will exhibit behaviors that appear sexual, like humping. Humping may be more common in male cats but can also be seen in females. Humping is often mistaken as sexual behavior, but it is more typically a part of normal play or excitement. In some cases, it may also be a way cats work out the social hierarchy within a home. Humping in cats is generally not a problem unless it bothers you or others. However, your cat might upset another animal by humping. If this happens, it may lead to aggression between the animals. If your cat is humping another animal, watch the other animal for signs for distress. When in doubt, separate the cats. Then, work on training to reduce your cat's humping. You can try redirecting your cat to a stuffed animal. Cats that once had active sex hormones might have picked up certain behaviors that remain after the spay or neuter. Perhaps the most common of these is urine marking (spraying). Though you may believe the behavior is sexual in nature, it's more likely this is simply a habit that must be broken. It will take patience and training to stop your cat from spraying. If your cat has been spayed or neutered for several weeks but still appears to be sexually active, the first thing you should do is call your vet. Your vet will advise you about the next steps after discussing the behaviors you have observed. In some cases, your cat may need to visit the vet for an examination. After the exam, your vet may recommend lab testing to check hormone levels and other metabolic functions, especially if your cat is female. The outcome of the testing will determine the next step. If you suspect your pet is sick, call your vet immediately. For health-related questions, always consult your veterinarian, as they have examined your pet, know the pet's health history, and can make the best recommendations for your pet.
Answered 1375 days ago
A cat's reproductive organs are removed during a spay or neuter.1 This means the cat's body should no longer produce sexual hormones. If the cat reached reproductive age prior to sterilization, there may be residual hormones right after surgery. These hormones may cause the cat to temporarily continue some sexual behaviors. Sex hormone levels should fade over the weeks following surgery, eliminating the cat's sex drive. If a female cat continues to show signs of heat several weeks after she was spayed, there is a possibility that some active ovarian tissue is present in her abdomen. This is called Ovarian Remnant Syndrome.1 It does not mean that a mistake was made during surgery; it often occurs because of additional ovarian tissue or cells in the abdomen that became activated after the ovaries were removed. If a vet determines that a cat has Ovarian Remnant Syndrome, the treatment is to perform another surgery to remove the remaining ovarian tissue. A spayed cat may show signs of sexual activity or heat if she was exposed to hormone creams or medications. If you have hormones like estrogen or progesterone in your home, keep them out of your cat's reach. If you use a topical hormone cream, make sure your cat does not lick the area. Adrenal tumors, though rare, may cause a cat to produce excessive hormones, some of which are sex hormones.2 This may cause a female cat to appear as if she is in heat. Fortunately, many adrenal tumors are benign. If your vet thinks your cat has an adrenal tumor, lab tests and an abdominal ultrasound may be necessary to learn more. Next, your vet will likely recommend surgery to explore the abdomen and remove the tumor. Contact your vet's office for advice if your spayed female is showing signs of estrus.
Answered 1382 days ago
Well, this seems to be a normal conversation, so there is nothing to worry about. This is one of the negative effects of neutering. You may see some other as well, Neutering – The Negative Side Neutering is sterilization. Neutering will result in the sterilization of your cat. He will no longer be able to reproduce, so if you intend to breed your animal, do not have him neutered. Neutering changes his appearance. Your cat will look different because his testicles will no longer be present. If the absence of these organs is a cosmetic problem for you, discuss testicular implants with your veterinarian. Neutering may cause weight gain. Some cats gain weight after neutering. Intact animals typically have a strong mating desire and can expend a lot of energy seeking a mate and reproducing. Without this energy burden, your cat may eat the same amount but not burn off as many calories.
Answered 1394 days ago
Hello Even after neutering we have testosterone production normally a small percentage from adrenal glands and some individuals produce more than others,also if he got neutered after puberty age can continue his behavior as instinct that he has already experienced from before neutering
Answered 1396 days ago
Hi, The habit will eventually go away with time. Your cat has a high concentration of the male hormones in it's system at this time, their effects will wear out once the feedback mechanisms don't function anymore.
Answered 1397 days ago
Mr.Abdukar Don't be stress This is Due to normal hormonal changes Avoid regular mating.
Answered 1397 days ago
Dear Abubakar, Yes, this is due to rise in hormonal levels after neutering but you'll have to give your cat some time before it stops acting in these ways. This may be because, your cat, Tora has already attained sexual maturity.
Answered 1397 days ago
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